Our Vision  

We want to make an archive of all human-made video games that are playable in both their classic and adapted forms.

Our Mission

Empower developers, studios, and publishers to easily port their back-catalog of classic/retro games to modern consoles.

Our Values 

The Default Setting is Trust

Trust is at the core of how we operate. We trust our partners, our community, and most importantly, our team.

That means we don’t care how work gets done, whether it’s at night, in bed, in pajamas, on the weekend, during the day, or upside down - all that matters is the work is completed, it meets our quality standard, and that the team is available for asynchronous communication.

Gamers are our true customers and our driving force. Placing our full focus on bringing the games they have been waiting patiently for back into their hands is our top priority. That means when we need to make a difficult decision between what a publisher wants and what we believe our community wants, we must prioritize gamers.

Similarly, if we need to make a tradeoff between our team’s convenience and the final result for gamers, we will always push for what is best for our community, even if it means more work.

Gamers First                  

Open-World Team Communication

Communication is key to developing trust and working effectively together. As a result, we believe in open agendas and transparent objectives. No idea is too small or far out to be heard, and we encourage productive discussion amongst the team to discover fresh ideas and explore solutions that may have been missed.

Delivering and receiving constructive feedback is important to our growth and success, and with a global team, not shying away from conversations is critical to staying on track.

It’s (not so) Dangerous to Go Alone

As a remote and geographically distributed workforce, we must be able to work toward a shared vision asynchronously to make the most efficient use of time and resources.

Our organization needs to match our expertise and our customers. We know our team is smart, and we trust them to make good decisions and prioritize their time efficiently. By embracing a shared vision, we ensure that the work is being done correctly and effectively, even when we can’t be together.

Perfection is the Final Boss of Progress

First we make it work, then we make it right. We focus on moving forward and finding solutions along the way by taking small steps while keeping the long term vision in view.

If we are faced with multiple solutions, we should use the one that avoids creating technical debt and best serves our community.

We value neurodiversity and the unique contributions it brings to our team. Our goal is to create a supportive environment for all, especially those on the autism spectrum. 

Fostering an inclusive environment is dependent on mutual respect. An embraced dedication to partnership and achieving the shared vision is the foundation of our team culture. We give each person in the (virtual) room the space and freedom to speak and share ideas as diverse perspectives lead to innovative solutions.

Respect All Role Specs               

We are passionate about all gaming, but retro games specifically are the most endangered to being lost to time. Because of this, we believe in the importance of ensuring that the games we release stay true to their original experience and presentation as much as possible. When compromising on or adding to a classic title, we will always aim to ensure the final experience matches as closely as it did when it was first released.

Preserve and Persevere